Saturday, August 20, 2011


I don't think I have the words to fully describe how I'm feeling. Going for camp in Gulu is one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. it is hard to comprehend the fullness of God, actually impossible. He constantly amazes me, how he honors and blesses us with His presence.

Dear Jesus, the plans you have for us are numerous and amazing! You are very personal and keep meeting each and everyone of us at our points of need. You spoke to me, healed me of a hurt I had pushed to the back of my mind instead of dealing with it. There was so much love, so much understanding. I met many new, amazing people. is it possible to form such a bond in one week that you feel like best friends? Yes, I miss my friends already, people I would like to get to know better, people I would love to share my life with, to open myself to and have them open themselves up to me. Indeed, better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere.

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