Monday, March 30, 2015

Say a little prayer for you

I wrote this for a friend on their birthday. It is one of those friendships where the person is special to you but you do not get to see them often. In such instances, FaceBook is a no no and phonecalls and text messages feel inadequate. I wrote it during a church service. The day before the birthday, pretty sure by the time they saw it, it would be D Day.

I chanced upon it as I was scrolling through my emails and I am amazed. I say this prayer for each one of you reading this; and to the person I originally wrote it for, I am sorry I did not ask for permission to share it but I hope you do not mind sharing in the blessing.

I pray for you
Beloved of the most high
You who carries the fullness of Christ in you
You for whom the Lord gave His son
and with Him all else,I pray for you

I pray for you sight
That blindness may be far from you
That the eyes of your understanding will open 

as the light of Christ is shed abroad in your Spirit

I pray that you will have ears that hear the Spirit of God
That your Spirit will choose to be deaf 

to any voice that is not of the Lord or from the Lord
That,as sheep of His pasture,
you will know His voice

I pray for you the strength of the Lord
That it will keep you through everything 

that the Lord shows you and asks of you
The strength to lay your life down
To let the life of Christ reign in you 

and Adam be put to death
I pray strength for you to embrace and walk 

into all that the Lord calls and has called you into.
The life of Christ.

I pray for you wisdom.
The wisdom of God.
Christ is your wisdom.
That you will know Christ and none else.
That you will know that knowing Christ is knowing all.
That Christ will forever be enough for you.

I pray for your family,
The one that you are apart of now 

and the one that the Lord is preparing for you
and preparing you to be head over,
That the abundance of God's grace and love 

will rule in your households 
because God is king in your hearts.

That wherever you will be,
you will be reminded that you are favoured of God.
He works all things out for you. 

As the Lord leads you in many things and places,
that you will be filled with His Joy and peace,
may He satisfy you with His goodness.

I pray the protection of the Lord over you 
and all that is yours. 
That you will be reminded of His angels 
whom He has given as ministering Spirits,
waiting on the word of the Lord.

With a long and fruitful life,
He will satisfy you.
Everything you touch and are involved in 

shall be fruitful beyond imagination.
You will not follow norms but you will raise standards,
the HolySpirit will always raise the standard for you.

Happy Birthday Friend. Silver and gold have I none,but what I have I give unto thee,a prayer,
I speak the fulfillment of all of God's promises into your life. That you will see them in the land of the living.

And finally,I pray that you recieve it
Yei Bin Adonai --- Be it unto me according to your word. Amen.


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